Wilder Girls - An Unrelatable Read Amidst the Pandemic

*This Review Contains Spoilers*

- Read More Book Reviews and Follow my Goodreads Account: Maggie Rhoads -

One out of Five Stars

Wilder Girls by Rory Power takes place at Raxter Boarding School for Girls during a pandemic called the Tox. They are quarantining at the school as they have been for the past eighteen months. Many people, including students and staff, had died despite receiving food and other necessities from the government. However, the only way that they will be allowed to leave is when a cure distributed.

The story centers on Hetty, Byatt, and some other girl (whose name I do not remember). Unfortunately, Byatt becomes very ill with the Tox and suddenly goes missing. Therefore, Hetty makes it her goal to find Byatt. 

Honestly, this book ended in such confusion, so I have no idea what happened besides that they found Byatt who was either dead or very close to being dead. I felt what made this story so confusing was the many subplots diverted from the main plot of the story. Also, for chapters at a time, it felt as if the original plotline of the novel was nonexistent.  

One of these plotlines had to do with the girl's name I can not remember and her father. Her father had been part of the staff at the Boarding School, but for some reason, I guess the author had assumed we already knew and needed to leave. He made this dramatic disappearance, which was not too exciting. The author had not introduced this girl and her father that well, so I did not feel empathetic.  

Another plotline had to do with Hetty's teacher and why she committed suicide in front of the boat job people. Again, I felt the author left many aspects of the story up for very annoying assumptions. I think, as a reader, I want to know what happened word for word, not leaving the reader assuming the ending or a very vague explanation. Overall, most of the time, I felt Hetty was not bothering even to try to find Byatt. 

The final plotline, which is not a plotline, preferably a significant aspect of the story, is the Tox. I never found out what precisely the Tox does to harm people. It seems to do all sorts of random things. Which leads me into not believing this would ever happen. For example, COVID-19 causes damage to the lungs, which means whatever the Tox does a lot of things. This novel is dystopian, meaning that this is what could happen in the future. However, to me, it was not believable. 

Besides the plotline, I also felt that the characters were very bland, and all had the same personality. There was no diversity among the characters besides how the Tox had affected them. 

I understand this is a very harsh review. However, this is Power's first novel, and I can see a bright future for other stories. 

I rated this book one star because I had nothing good say about it. 

*This Review Contains Spoilers*

- Read More Book Reviews and Follow my Goodreads Account: Maggie Rhoads -

One out of Five Stars


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